Based on your score, you will get more Arcane Tablet of Falanaar reputation items and other items from the final chest. In this scenario, you earn a score based on the number of mobs you kill in the instance. To unlock this quest, you must have completed the main Suramar questline up to Building an Army and have 400 Ancient Mana on hand. The Withered Army Scenario/World Quest is introduced via the quest Withered Army Training. Hidden Appearance: Twisting Anima of Souls is a drop from the final chest in the Withered Suramar Scenario. Hidden Effect: The Maw Must Feed: The Maw of the Damned has feasted on the soul of a non-elite humanoid or demon creature, providing a 1% damage increase. As the title says here's a guide with the information I have gathered as to how to unlock your Artifact weapon Please Note: Some are not availbe yet as u need to do the raid for them and others are simply unknown atm.